Introduction to wrist pain
Many people often complain of having pains in their wrists and this is one of the most common problem areas of the hand and body in general.
When a person feels pain in their wrists, it is important to go see a doctor because the most vital part of treating it correctly is getting a good diagnosis of the symptoms that accompany the pain.
This is the only way to find the direct cause of the ailment, and find a way to treat the pain appropriately.
Common Causes
Tendonitis can often cause the wrist to be painful and swollen. It results from an inflammation of the tendon sheath in the wrist, but thankfully, this condition does not require surgery for treating it.
A wrist sprain is another common injury that affects the ligaments around the wrist.
Sprains can cause problems by limiting the ability to use the hand in every day situations.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition that causes a dysfunction of the nerves that are located in the wrist and results when a median nerve is pinched off.
Arthritis is one of the most common problems and it hinders a person’s everyday activities as well. The wrist will become swollen and tender in a case of arthritis.
A ganglion cyst can also cause problems on the back of the hand or wrist. They are benign but still cause discomfort. However, they are not cancerous and will not spread, even if they grow in size, which is possible, however.
One of the most serious injuries is a fracture of the wrist, which will require orthopedic surgery. The wrist will have to be put into a cast in order to heal properly as well.
A sprain of the wrist involves the ligaments that surround the wrist joint and they can also limit the use of the hand. Treatments
The treatment of the pain, of course, correlates with the cause.
In any case, the tried and tested RICE method works for most injuries or problems. With rest, ice, compression and elevation, the wrist pain should subside in cases of inflammation.
Ice packs and heat packs should be used in order to relieve pain as well.
It is important to keep the wrist supported so that it cannot be re-injured. There are braces that can be purchased to limit the movement of the wrist as it heals.
Anti-inflammatory medications can also be taken in order to get rid of the swelling in the tendons or ligaments of the wrist.
When the wrist is broken or fractured, a person may have to undergo arthroscopic surgery in order to put the bones back together and allow them to heal. During the dealing process, the wrist will most likely have to be put in a cast.
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