Tongue Sores
This problem is associated with small red or white bumps located on the tongue's surface. They can be painful, so the elimination of them should be a priority. This problem is a common one, but it can be very discomforting since the tongue is one of the most sensitive areas of the human body. But the problem of sores sometimes can be accompanied with pain, while sometimes it may be followed by the burning or stinging sensationinstead of the pain.
There are many diverse causes for painful tongue sores. Some of them are ill fitting dentures and injury caused by braces. The canker sores are the painful sores commonly experienced. Also, they may have red border. Injury to the tongue is usually the cause of tongue sores and it may come from the hot food or liquid, or even biting the tongue. The tongue sores may be caused by the chemicals, like sodium lauryl sulfate, which is a specific chemical that can be found in toothpastes and that can sometimes lead to irritation of the tongue and creation of tongue sores. Sometimes, the sore may be created due to the allergic reaction to medications or food. Also, the problem is more frequent among people who suffer from stomach or peptic ulcers. Sometimes we may perceive swollen taste buds or enlarged papillae as tongue sores. The consumption of salty, spicy and hot food, along with the toxins such as tobacco, can lead to creation of sores and bumps that induce a considerate pain. The painful tongue sores can also be caused by tuberculosis, bacterial infection, cold sores, folic acid, viral infections, hormonal fluctuations, vitamin B12 deficiency, smoking, iron and excessive consumption of alcohol. There are also cancerous sores that do not produce pain and are located on the side of the tongue.
If they do not produce pain, the problem should not be treated since it will go away on its own. But in some cases, the pain may be considerate and it can affect your life. Since we have mentioned types of food that can cause them, it is best to avoid hot, spicy and acidic food. If the problem is not prevented and it has appeared, there are numerous remedies that can bring relief. Mouthwash of saline water is an efficient remedy. Do this several times during the day. You can also apply vinegar and ice on the troubling location, but there is also a mix made of water and baking soda, which should be put on the affected location for ten minutes, after which the mix should be removed with clean water. Also, you can put tea bags that will reduce the inflammation and the pain. Other remedies include licorice root extract, papaya leaves, lemon balm, clove oil, chamomile, honey, and tea tree oil. Remember to go to the doctor if the pain is great or if they are clustering. The cause of the problem must be determined in these cases, since they may be caused by a more serious problem.
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