Introduction to root canal pain
One of the dental conditions that causes the greatest amount of pain and discomfort is definitely the root canal. A root canal is a symptom of tooth decay and it will result in rotten teeth if it is not treated. The root canal pain that is left untreated will end up resulting in tooth decay and lead to a dead tooth in the end.
The only way to relieve the pain is to remove the tooth, usually.
However, most people want to avoid removing a tooth and having a gap in their teeth, therefore they opt for some time of root canal therapy.
The pain in a root canal is usually the result of a crack in the tooth or a very deep cavity.
These types of dental conditions allow bacteria to infect the pulp of the tooth.
The bacteria then infects the pulp of the tooth, which is very sensitive because this is where all of the blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue inside the tooth are located.
The pulp provides blood to the tooth and nutrients as well.
When the pulp is infected, then the tooth will decay and there will be root canal pain. Causes of root canal pain
There are often pains even after the person has had a root canal treatment. There are usually four different types of pain that most commonly occur.
One type of pain is ghost pain that is felt after the tooth is removed. Just like people might feel ghost pain after an arm has been amputated, the same can go for the tooth. People will feel a sharp pain in the are where the tooth once was.
The symptoms will go away by themselves, but they can be treated with some Tylenol, Ibuprophen or light analgesic.
Another common cause of pain is gas pressure buildup, which occurs in between visits to the dentist after the nerve has been removed from the tooth, but before the canals and chamber are filled again.
The patient will first go home with an empty spot where the tooth was, which allows the canals to fill with dead air. Since the air can expand and contract in the space, the change in volume of the air can put pressure on the tissues and cause pain.
The pain is nothing to work about and can be treated with light pain relievers.
The fluid is germ free sometimes or it can be the result of an infection that resulted from the root canal procedure.
Sometimes, the sterile abscess can occur when the irrigation fluid that was sued to clean the canals was expressed beyond the tip of the root during the filling procedure. Both the sterile and bacteria abscesses can result in pain and pressure.
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