Tooth decay is one of the mostcommon disorders, just like a cold. It may occur in children and adults and mayaffect anyone. If bacteria are normally present in the mouth, then bacteriaconvert the taken food, such as sugar and starch into acids. Bacteria, acid, food debris, andsaliva together form a sticky substance called plaque that adheres to theteeth, most likely on the back molars, above the gum, on teeth, and at theedges of fillings. Plaque not removed from the teeth, mineralizes into tartar.Plaque and tartar irritate the gums; this is when gingivitis and periodontitisoccur.
During the process of dentalcrown fabrications, dental crown may be very painful. A decay or rotten toothmay spread to not just dentin but pulp as well and this is the reason why it isnecessary to treat canal root. A deficient tooth structure may be causedby the tooth fracture, for what reason dental crown need to be covered in orderto prepare surface of a tooth. And sometimes, root canal treatment and a crownrestoration are important. After such procedure patients may feel pain of adental crown.
Dental Crown Pain Causes
1) - InducedSensitivity by Recessionif the crown is old, slow and little falling of the crown on the gingival maycause a loss of a gum line. In that way the exposed root surface can be more affectedthan the crown and the teeth become oversensitive to hot or cold.
2) - Flossing That MayHarm Tootha new crown needs to be looked after on a right way because no food particlescan not clog the area and allow microbial pollution. Also brushing teeth orflossing may traumatize gingival and that would make painful gums. It is vitalto visit dentist on time before it gets too late.
3) - Improper RootCanalwrongly done root canal procedure may lead to pain as well. The root canal paincomes up after the dental procedure, if pulp tissue is still in the canal or ifthe filling in the canal spreads over periodical area. The pain is located intooth but it may feel like dental crown pain. A temporary crown is necessarybecause of the aesthetic reasons.
4) - Falling on GingivalIf the crown is wrongly placed, the crown is overextended, and the surface ofgums will fall, and the gums would be swollen all around the area of tooth. If istoo little in height, in that case it may expose a part of prepared surface ofthe tooth. This exposed area might be a good area portion to entraps foodparticles and for micro organisms to spread, and to cause swollen gums, tocause pain or infection.
Dentist may make a wrongevaluation or to make a mistake and make a wrong fitting. With the wrongfitting, crown may become too loose and for this reason, patient may fracturethe prepared surface of tooth.
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