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Fever blisters occur quite often, especially in children. However, there are many ways in which a parent can help his or her child to get rid of the blisters. Among the variety of treatments, prescription and over-the-counter medications can help as well. Antiviral medications are not only available in form of tablets but in form of creams and ointments. Apart from the medications, a majority of people use ice packs, cool compresses and pain relievers in order to reduce the symptoms of fever blisters. Doctors advise patients to use medications at the first sign of a breakout of fever blisters.

Fever Blisters in Children

Fever blisters are considered to be the condition of the mouth that occurs quite often. The other name for fever blisters is cold sores but the medical term is herpes labialis. These blisters develop due to a certain virus called herpes simplex virus.

A majority of people mistake fever blisters for canker sores but they are not the same thing. Even though both of these conditions lead to development of tinny sores in the area inside and outside of mouth, canker sores do not occur outside of the mouth. The lining of the cheeks, lips, throat and the tongue are the places where canker sores develop. On the other hand, fever blisters are mainly seen outside the mouth. Lips, cheeks and even nostrils are the places most often attacked by cold sores. In those rare situations when they do occur in the mouth, fever blisters are mainly seen on the gums and on the roof of the mouth. Another difference between canker sores and fever blisters is that canker sores are bigger in size than fever blisters. In addition to this, cold sores heal a lot faster than canker sores.

The condition that develops due to herpes simplex virus is highly contagious according to the doctors. Direct contact with a person already suffering from an outbreak of fever blister is the most usual way of transmission. Apart from direct contact, cold sores can spread through contact with certain items that are being shared like towels, toothbrushes, razors and drinks.

The first time a person is infected with the herpes simplex virus, no symptoms are visible in almost all patients. The data claims that more than 85% of patients do not experience any symptoms the first time they get infected. The signs of this condition are not the same in everyone. Some experience itching, pain and tingling a day or three before the outbreak. Others simply develop blisters.

The cure for fever blisters does not exist. That means that the person will have the virus in his or her system for the rest of the life. However, many ways of dealing with fever blisters exist. Some people do not even have to use any of the treatment as the blisters tend to heal and go away on their own after a couple of days. Those who experience the outbreaks quite often are in need of some prescribed medications. Certain medications that do not need prescription exist as well.

Prevention of fever blisters is practically impossible once a person is infected with herpes simplex virus. The best way of preventing cold sores is trying to avoid getting infected.

Over the Counter Medicines for Fever Blisters

Some of the most often prescribed antiviral medications for the treatment of cold sores are Valacyclovir, Famciclovir, Penciclovir cream, Acyclovir cream and Acyclovir ointment. Acyclovir ointment is especially good as it can be used by those people who do not have a strong immune system. The doctors agree that all of these antiviral medicines are most effective when they are used when the first signs of cold sores appear. Even though these creams and ointments will speed the process of healing of the condition, they will not prevent the outbreaks in the future. Parents should also be aware that these medicines are not supposed to be used by children.

Apart from the medicines, there are lots of other ways to treat the condition of fever blisters. At the first sign of pain, a person should hold cold compresses to the sores for a period of several minutes a couple of times during a day. Ice packs can be pressed on the sores as well for a couple of minutes. When pain and fever occur as the first signs of fever blisters, ibuprofen, Aspirin and acetaminophen can be used.

In order to speed the process of healing, those who experience an outbreak should follow certain tips. In order to prevent infection, cold sores should be kept dry and clean. Any foods that can irritate the sores should not be consumed for as long as they are present. Touching of the sores must be avoided. Washing the hands after contact and not using any objects that might transfer the infection like towels, napkins and toothbrushes will decrease the chance of risk of transmission. Oral sex should be avoided as well for as long as the person suffers from an outbreak.

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