Genital herpes is one of the sexually transmitted disease that can affectmen as well as women. This disease is caused by a virus that is sexuallytransmitted. This infection is recurrent and there is no cure for it.
Causes of genital herpes
There are two types of herpes simplex viruses that can cause genital herpes.Herpes simplex virus type 1 can cause genital herpes, although it usually causescold or mouth sores and fever blisters. However, the infection from the mouthcan be spread to the genital area. On the other side, herpes simplex virus type 2 is, in the majority of cases,responsible for the occurrence of genital herpes. This herpes is easily passedfrom person to person through the sexual contact even when there are no open sores. This virus dies very fast outside the body. Therefore, it is practically impossibleto get infected by using, for example, utensils, towel, or other similarobjects that were previously used by an infected person.
Symptoms of genital herpes
Sometimes genital herpes does not show any sign. However, when they appear,the most common are small red bumps, sores or blisters in the genital or analarea. Furthermore, the people who suffer from genital herpes may also experienceitching or pain around the genital area, buttocks and inner thighs. In women, sores or blisters can appearin the vaginal area, external genitals, buttocks, anus or cervix. In males sorescan appear on the penis, scrotum, anus, buttocks and thighs or inside theurethra. In addition to these symptoms, thepeople with this sexually transmitted disease may also experience headache, muscleaches and fever, as well as swollen lymph nodes in the groin.
Treatment of genital herpes
Although genital herpes is a recurringcondition and is not curable, it should be treated. The doctors usually prescribeantiviral medications like acyclovir, famciclovir and Valacyclovir. Acyclovir andvalacyclovir are usually used for pregnant women. The people who have weak immune system should takeantiviral medications daily in order to prevent the recurring of the herpes. However,these people may develop resistance to some antiviral medicines. When itoccurs, other antiviral medicines are usually given to them intravenously.
There are some experts who claim that the antiviralmedicines are not effective and that they are actually useless. These sameexperts claim that genital herpes can be successfully treated by a diet and bycertain herbal remedies. A proper diet and herbal cures can eliminate thevirus and make the immune system stronger.
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