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Fever blisters in children

Herpes simplex virus can be herpes simplex virus type 1, which is the causative factor for the appearance of fever blisters or cold sores, and herpes simplex virus type 2, which is the causative factor for the appearance of genital herpes. Fever blisters are also well known as cold sores or oral herpes and medically as recurrent herpes labialis. In the majority of cases, fever blisters appear on the lips or inside the mouth, although they can appear on the face or nose as well.

Oral herpes is usually recurrent since, once somebody is infected with the herpes simplex virus, it tends to reappear or activate over time due to various reasons. On the other hand, it may also stay dormant for life. Fever blisters are a highly contagious condition and can be easily spread from an infected person to others, which is why it is recommended to avoid kissing with infected person or using his/her personal belongings.

Causes and symptoms of fever blisters in children

As aforementioned, fever blisters are caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 in adults, as well as in children. In most cases, the child gets infected through a contact with the infected person. When the child develops fever blisters, he/she can easily spread it by rubbing the sore and touching other children. It is considered that most people got infected by herpes simplex virus in their childhood years.

When the oral herpes appears for the first time, the symptoms are usually mild, but when it recurs, the symptoms and signs are more severe. The most obvious and visible symptom of this condition is the outbreak of red blisters in the mouth region or all over the face. The infected child may also get fever, although body aches, as well as swollen neck glands are also the symptoms of fever blisters in children. Other symptoms of this condition are pain, redness, itching and a feeling of burning.

Treatment of fever blisters in children

Fever blisters usually withdraw alone. However, there are certain medications that can relieve the symptoms and speed up the process of curing. Some of them are ibuprofen, acetaminophen and topical docosanol cream.

Applying ice packs on the blisters or lemon balm is also highly recommended for relieving the pain, redness and swelling. Prevention of the recurring fever blisters is also very important. A healthy diet is essential since it boosts the weak immune system, which usually triggers herpes simplex virus.

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