Of course, doctors are the ones who will advise women and couples what is the best choice according to their health and fertility-related problems. Officials predict that the tax credit is expected to cost the province about $800.000 a year. Canadian infertility awareness association has been pressuring Ontario and other provinces to follow the example of Manitoba, while Quebec is the only province that offers similar financial aid. Canadian infertility awareness association claims that government can actually save money on the long run, because specific unregulated treatments and therefore risks can be reduced.
However, there are those who oppose too, Canadian Taxpayers Federation for example. They claim that they are not against funding fertility treatments, but they do believe that the benefit for few comes at the expense of the many. They claim that tax credits such as infertility tax credit are the cause for problems in managing and the reason for hiring additional bureaucrats. The group suggests they should instead cut income taxes for everyone. Regarding such credits, Canadian Taxpayers Federation highlights what happens with governments with limited funds for health care, because they MUST ration spending and choose between competing drugs, services, and programs.
This means some get cash and some do not. Instead, there should be private parallel care to alleviate financial stress on the system. If they don't do that then we are left to decide between grandma's hip replacement and credits such as this one. Voters and taxpayers are forced to choose which to fund or expect more tax hikes to pay for more. There is additional benefit for couples undergoing fertility treatment: they will be able to get existing credits for general medical expenses 15 % federally and 10.8% provincially.
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