Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums. Many people suffer from this condition and the market offers many different medications and treatments for it. However there are also natural and at home ways a person can cure or alleviate gingivitis.
What is gingivitis
Gingivitis is a periodontal disease that manifests itself as inflammation of the gum tissue, usually with bleeding. The main symptoms of gingivitis are swelling of the gums, pain and bleeding. Gingivitis may be accompanied by mouth sores, pus, bad breath and discoloration of the gums, that ranges from deep red to purple.
Unpleasant breath is often present in persons who suffer from gingivitis and it seems to be the main reason why they seek the help of a dentist.
How to treat gingivitis naturally
There are many non-medical options for preventing, curing and alleviating gingivitis. Their effectiveness depends on many factors, including the general health condition of an individual.
Good oral hygiene is the key for preventing gingivitis. This basically means brushing the teeth and flossing at least two times a day. It is also advised to use mouth wash after consuming foods and drinks that are harmful for the teeth, like sweets.
Several studies have shown that there is a correlation between calcium levels and gingivitis. People with calcium deficiency are more prone to this inflammation, so if gingivitis occurs it is recommended to check calcium levels and take supplements, if needed.
It is important to take sufficient amounts of vitamin C which is important for healthy gums. Increasing the vitamin C intake can be done with supplements or by introducing more fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet.
Tea tree oil is considered to be a natural antiseptic and it can be used to cure gingivitis. A small amount of tea tree oil should be dropped onto the toothbrush and used for every brushing.
Bloodroot is the ingredient of many natural toothpastes. It prevents the formation of plaque on the surface of the teeth and plaque is one of the main causers of gingivitis and other dental diseases.
People who suffer from gingivitis can make a simple home remedy with baking soda. It is basically a paste made out of baking soda and water, mixed in small quantities until a smooth paste is made. This paste should be rubbed to the gums every day in order to reduce the inflammation.
These remedies can help with gingivitis but it is always recommended to see a dentist who will determine if the condition is really gingivitis or if it is something else.
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