Dandruff is the skin disorder causing the itching of thescalp and flaking of the skin cells. Every day some of the skin cells flakeoff, but in people suffering from this condition flaking is much more intenseand followed by itching and irritation. The condition is associated with a fungusinfection of the scalp, caused by Pityrosporum ovale (or P.ovale). This fungus is normally presenton the skin, but in some cases it starts to overgrow and might cause dandruff.
There are two types of dandruff: internal and external. Internaldandruff is caused by some factors inside the human organism, such as hormonal imbalance, weaken immune system, some food allergies or inadequate diet, full of sugarand fat. Stress, both emotional and physical, and genetic disposition are alsoknown to lead to dandruff. External dandruff could be caused by excessive hairstyling, poor hygiene of the scalp and cold weather or heating inside.
Dandruff causes flaking of the scalp and leads to dryness anditching of the skin. The flakes might be greasy or waxy. Usually flakes appearon the head, eyebrows or the beard, but in some cases, dandruff might spreadand affect the neck and shoulders.
Natural Dandruff Treatment
The condition is usually treated with special shampoos. Somecases of dandruff are really persistent and don’t respond to shampoo treatmentand other people might be over sensitive to those shampoos. Natural remediesare not aggressive and dandruff responds to them quite well, and that's what makes them so popular.
Olive oil is said to cure even the worst of dandruff cases. Itcould be used alone, or mixed with some almond oil. Apply to the scalp, massagethoroughly and when the hair absorbs all the oil wash it away.
Add a sip of vinegar to some water. Use that fluid tomassage the scalp and wrap it in a towel. Leave over night and after you wakeup wash your hair. Repeat the treatment for 2 to 3 weeks and the result shouldimpress you.
Aloe vera extract should be applied to the affected area ofthe scalp. Leave for 15 minutes and then wash the hair. People using thisherbal preparation say that it takes just few treatments to completely destroythe dandruff.
Use the mixture made of one cup of mouthwash and some water.Use the mixture with your shampoo, thoroughly massaging the scalp. Many saidthat this mixture really worked for them.
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