Information on Natural Cough Remedies
Sometimes a cough can be triggered by certain nasal irritants or allergic reactions and it cannot be treated by decongestants orantihistamines because of the side effects. In thosecases the cough needs to be treated with natural remedies in order to avoid theside effects such as congestion, ringing in the ears, anxiety and tremors inthe hands.
Natural cough remedies are very efficient in relieving certainsymptoms such as dry cough, rebound congestion, itchy eyes, ringing in theears, irritated eyes, fatigue, runny nose, lethargy, sneezing, rapid shallowbreathing, post nasal drip, heart palpitations, sinus congestion, crackedmucous membranes, painful sensations, dry mouth, headaches, anxiety, laboredbreathing, tremor in the hands, throat congestion and shortness of breath.Natural cough remedies can also be very efficient in improving the levels ofenergy, enhancing the social activities and improving the quality of sleep.
Natural cough remedies are a much better option than all the different types offlue remedies, antihistamines, cold remedies, decongestants, cough remedies,inhaled steroids or nasal sprays.
Causes and Types of Cough
A cough may be an indication of hay fever or some other allergicreactions or it may be one of the first symptoms of some respiratory disease.The two main types of cough are dry coughs and chest coughs. Dry cough does notproduce any phlegm which is always associated with the chest cough.
Mucus isalso commonly associated with the chest cough. Two different types of coughrequire completely different treatment methods. Mucus always needs to beremoved in all the cases of chest cough. Chest cough is often triggered byvarious different types of infections that may affect the upper respiratorytract or even the lower respiratory tract.
The symptoms usually include hightemperature, phlegm and wheezing. Natural cough remedies may speed up theprocess of recovery by removing phlegm and soothing the nasal irritation. Drycough may sometimes be associated with certain allergic reactions triggered byseveral different types of irritants such as dust, chemical fumes, smoke, roomdeodorizers, smoke, cleaning agents, pollen, plants, mold, pets and freshly cutgrass.
Dry cough only irritates the throat and the chest but it can be treatedvery successfully by using natural remedies. Coughing may also be an indicationand the only symptom of asthma. Asthmatic coughing can also be treated veryefficiently by using certain natural cough remedies.
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