Menopause Blues
This is one of the most common problems that affects women. One of the most common problems during this period refers to mood swings. This problem can be mistaken with something else, so we will try to explain how to detect if you are having mood swings or if something else is troubling you. Many things can lead to mood swings and some of them are aging, infertility, sexuality, body image, stresses, all of them being something that accompanies everyone's life. They can lead to mood swings, and in some cases to depression. It is important to see which cause for the mood problems is present. It is also important to make a distinction between the depressed and depression because these terms do not describe the same thing.
The dysphoria or depressed mood is something brief and it brings a feeling of blues. It can come along with some treatments. The depression, on the other hand, is a symptom of psychological problem. It can even cause clinical depression, though these cases are rare. Usually the depression lasts shortly and requires no treatment. Dysthemia is a medical term used for depression. The problem we have mentioned, called clinical depression, is caused by the imbalance of chemicals in the brain and the treatment for this problem is needed.
There is no clinical trial that proves that any of these problem is a part of menopauseal period, but this is not what women experiencing this period say. They have alterations from happy faced women to crying ones. Some say that transition to menopause can be responsible for the mood swings, since this is the time when hormones fluctuate. Also, sleeping problems felt during this period can increase the potential of mood swings. Clinical depression patients and women with severe PMS seem to have greater problems with mood swings.
Oral contraceptives can be used for perimenstrual mood swings, since they can control them by regulating hormone levels. Reduction of chances for ovarian and uterine cancer and uterine bleeding can be produced by the use of these medications. St. John’s wort can be used for mild cases, along with the several changes of the life habits we will list. Try to postpone making decisions after this period ends, be patient since this period can take time, do activities that make you happy and try to break tasks into small ones. If the chemical imbalance is the reason for the mood swings, antidepressants are used for treatment.
These medications produce little side effects, but their effect may require several weeks to be noticed. Hot flashes can also be eliminated with the use of these medications, but remember that prior to taking any medication you need consult a specialist.
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