Mania, Depression or Playfulness?
Even though mood swings are typical for children since they function completely different than adults, their parents or caretakers should, nevertheless, pay special attention to the extent and type of these changes. Mood swings involving change of focus or thing of interest are not unusual. However, an abrupt transformation between being hyperactive or even manic into a state of depression and fatigue, accompanied by violent behavior during the entire changing process, may be a clear indicator that there is something more serious going on.
Reasons Behind Mood Swings
In cases of abrupt mood swings mentioned above, there is a possibility that the child suffers from the first stage of a bipolar disorder. This may happen due to many different factors. Namely, a traumatic experience can easily be a trigger. Additionally, imbalance of neurotransmitters in the child's brain, or an overactive sensory stimulator cause this condition as well. As far as manifestation is concerned, the very extremes take place in the morning and in the evening. The child feels tired and is passive during the morning. However, sudden mood changes take place repeatedly during the day, reaching their peak, as far as aggressiveness and activity in general is concerned, in the evening. Child suffering from this disorder finds is impossible to function correctly among other children, and grown ups, in that respect since, he or she is either depressed and reserved, or hyperactive and violent.
Numerous other causes may be behind this disorder. For example, a family history of alcoholics, a harsh lifestyle in an incompetent family and many others. Unfortunately this condition often comes hand-in-hand with bad anger management, difficulties in paying attention and learning, anxiety, restlessness and many others.
Additional Non-Medical Reasons
Even though more serious mood swings are often connected to some disorders, this does not necessarily has to be the case. Moreover, children may become prone to mood swings if they are living in a family where some other member suffers from it. Also, malnutrition, sleep deprivation, and many other health deficiencies may all cause the child to feel week, thus depressed while at the same time aggravated by the situation. The mood swings usually take place when the child is in company of others, since then any cases of self judgment are likely to occur. Finally, dysfunctional families, where parents are drinking, using drugs, are aggressive or show any other kind of unhealthy behavior, are all possible grounds for development of these mood swings within a child.
When trying to help your child, it is best to seek a psychologist. Namely, since every child copes differently with this condition, it is important to know what to look for in the child's behavior and how to treat it. Therefore, medical assistance is highly advisable in these cases.
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