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What are mood swings?

Mood swings are rapid changes in the mood that are sometimes associated with mood disorders, bipolar disorder (or manic depressive disorder) and depression. More commonly these rapid mood shifts are result of dealing with everyday life. For example, if a person receives a bad news, the mood may change at the same moment. However, sometimes mood swings with no apparent reason. If this is a case person should seek medical help to determine if mood swings are a symptom of a more severe problem.Menstruation and menopause

In some women, menstruation and menopause cause drastic hormonal changes that may sometimes affect the way they feel and think about situations, causing the mood swings. Physical pain that follows menstruation and menopause may also trigger the mood swings causing the instant change in mood, irritability and hypersensitivity. Mood swings during these stages are not dangerous. Women may try to reduce the frequency of mood swings by easing the pain and practicing relaxation techniques.


Puberty is the most sensitive stage of psychological and social transition between childhood and adulthood. It is a process of physical changes of sexual maturation. Women experience even more visible changes than men: their bodies become curvy and they start experiencing menstruation that may sometimes be painful. Males experience voice changes and sometimes their skin may also change and become prone to acne. Pubic, body and facial hair is starting to grow, rising levels of androgens can change the fatty acid composition of perspiration, resulting in specific body odor that isn’t present in children. These as well as many other physical changes can make adolescents more sensitive and prone to mood swings.

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive disorder is a psychiatric condition defined by unexpected shifts in mood, energy and activity levels, that affect patient's ability to lead a normal day-to-day life. It is a serious condition that must be treated professionally or it may lead to severe complications. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD is not such a serious condition but if it’s left untreated it may drastically aggravate patient’s life. Patients suffering from ADHD may find it hard to achieve even the most common things such as: complete an education, maintain a job or a healthy relationship. Mood swings may appear in these patients if they don’t understand the causes of their own failures and inadequacies.

StressEveryday problems may easily lead to mood swings. This is especially true if one keeps running away from problems rather than solving them. Stress management is a key factor for healthy living.

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