Compositionand facts
Themetal derivative in question has as its main constituents magnesiumand stearic acid. As far as its outer looks areconcerned, it is of white color, and when exposed to a regular roomtemperature it does not change the state, but it stays solid. The naturalsources known to abound in it include milk, cocoa, fish, egg,poultry, coconut and meat.
Whenit comes to its usage, it is most often employed in thepharmaceutical industry – in making of vitamin supplements, tobe more precise. In addition, it is also employed as a supplementfiller. Having vitamin supplements in mind, this substance is quitevital in the sense that, even though supplements can be made withoutit, the duration of an entire process is significantly reduced whenmagnesium stearate is used. Its role is to enhance the supplementproduction speed rate. Accordingto certain experts and scientists, it is deemed as safe, whereasothers regard it as potentially harmful.
Mostabundant natural sources of the substance in question are known to bepalm oil and hydrogenated cottonseed. These substances are, on theother hand, most often employed as lubricants for machines that areinvolved in the production of supplements. In terms of their safety,the oils in question are well known for their ill-content (harmfultoxins and hazardous pesticides) and potential severe ill-effects onthe human health in general. Exactly out of this reason magnesiumstearate is regarded as extremely harmful by experts and professionals,and thus it is not recommended for consumption in any form available today.
Incase it is taken in small quantities, research has shown no severeside effects, but when taken in greater quantities, this is not thecase. Regular use also has its extreme downsides, namely unfavorablyaffecting and suppressing the immune system. More extensive dosagesare also regarded as highly dangerous when it comes to affecting thefunctioning of the T-cell, as well as the body's immune system ingeneral. Another unwanted and unpleasant side effect of too large adosage is the decrease in nutrient absorption. It is believed thatmagnesium stearate in supplements decreases their absorption levelto the point of 25-35%. Once overdone with, it can also inducestomach and intestine membrane lining inflammation, known as thegastroenteritis. The condition in question is known to bring aboutthe occurrence of such troubling manifestations as nausea, diarrhea,vomiting and cramps in the abdomen and abdominal region.
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