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Leg pain

Asidefrom many pains and aches that can befall you during the day and especially atnight, perhaps the most awkward is the leg pain. There is just not a person whodoes not joyfully await the end of the day so they could do a “summersault”and land gently on that soft surface of the bed to relax until the nextmorning. But as we are all used to it by know, there is always something that,more or less, disrupts our quality time with the bed. In this case, it is thatannoying leg pain. Since there are so many possible culprits, there are alsomany different treatment methods accordingly.


RLS (also known as the restless leg syndrome) – a person suffering from this condition is known to constantly keep their legs in motion, no matter what, and the constant moving of legs actually aids in ameliorating the leg pain.Charley Horse Problem - though a name may sound a bit frightening, this condition is nothing but leg cramps that occur at night. And this is something that each and every one of us has experienced at least once in a lifetime, but was not aware of it. The cramps themselves may appear due to dehydration, imbalance of hormones, or due to potassium and magnesium deficiencyDiabetic Neuropathy – this condition is characterized by the damage of the leg nerves. Also because of this, many problems related to the blood circulation to the legs occur, and thus the direct consequence is the leg pain during the night time, which is often followed by hand and leg numbness.Deep Vein Thrombosis – another quite common cause of the leg pain, which is often indicated by the muscular cramps occurring prior to the pain. What happens during this condition is that a blood clot becomes immersed in one of the veins situated in a leg, thus causing inflammation in legs. The vein thrombosis can be caused by a heart attack, obesity, childbirth, respiratory problems, to name but a few of the most common culprits.


Amongother most common initiators of leg pain we find arthritis, injury of theligaments, cartilage injury, patellar tendonitis, and theBaker’s cyst.


Drinkplenty of water and other fluidsPriorand after any exercise do not miss out stretchingStickto a healthy diet, which abounds in calcium and potassium

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