The "love hormone" oxytocin is good for much more than inducing a pregnant woman's labor... According to a new study from the University of California, oxytocin can significantly improve the sex life of men. Oxytocin is a hormone that is created in the bodies of people from both sexes. It is involved with trust, sex, and emotional attachment.

When a pregnant woman goes into labor, her body releases large quantities of this hormone. Among other things, oxytocin is what kick starts breastfeeding after birth, and starts the bonding process. The study team from California also found that men who spray a solution containing artificial oxytocin in their nose twice a day significantly improve their sex lives. It's not only the man's libido that is heightened; the researchers said that men taking part in the trial actually found it easier to be romantic toward their partners when they used oxytocin.
Well, it's not called the "love hormone" for nothing, apparently! Many people have already dubbed oxytocin the new Viagra, but oxytocin doesn't seem to do quite the same thing as the infamous blue pill. Cuddling and romance are encouraged by oxytocin, rather than all-night post menopausal intercourse (sorry, that sounds rude, but it does represent the stereotype when you talk about Viagra).
Researchers found hardly any negative side effects, which makes a nice change from Viagra too. They did note that the positive consequences of oxytocin disappeared as soon as the men stopped using the nose spray. Researchers note that they know it would be hard to get a drug that contains oxytocin approved, right because it is known that the hormone has emotional effects as well as physical consequences.
What do you think about this? Would you ask your partner to use the spray if it became available?
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