About Viagra and Cialis Effects
Erectile dysfunction is the problem many men face with. However,this doesn’t have to be terrifying issue, since there are medications and therapiesthat can help you. Drugs commonly used for treatment of erectile dysfunctionare Viagra and Cialis. These medications may have different active components,but both work in the same way. Viagra contains sildenafil, while Cialis containstadalafil. Both of the substances inhibit specific enzyme (known as PDE5) inthe penis which regulates the blood flow in that part of the body. Inhibitionof this enzyme dilates the blood vessels, relax corpus cavernosum in the penisand thus enhance the erection. However, what you should know is that thesedrugs don’t cause erection without some sexual stimulation.
There is some difference between these drugs when it comesto the time need to experience their effects. Viagra should be used about anhour before the sexual activity and the pill’s effect last for some 4 hour. Cialis,on the other hand, can be used on a daily basis, in doses of 2.5mg or 5mg. Thereis also another type of Cialis, often called the weekend pill. This type ofCialis tablets has long lasting effect and it should work for 36 hours. Cialis istherefore found to be more easy to use, because men don’t have to plan theirsexual activities any more. Your doctor should be involved in the decision making process whichmedication is suitable for you, according to your condition and medicalhistory.
Speaking about the dose, Viagra comes in as 25mg, 50mg or100mg tablets. Cialis can be found as 2.5mg, 5mg or 20mg pills. In most cases,it is advised to start with lower doses and watch for the results. If there isno expected improvement of sexual function, the dose should be adjusted.
Adverse Effects of Erectile Dysfunction Pills
Both Viagra and Cialis may cause unwanted effects on the menwho use them. Viagra is frequently the reason for flushed face, headaches andstomach problems. Some other problems are rarer and these can include: bluishor blurry vision and the sensitivity to light in some cases. Cialis can beblamed for flushing and headaches as well, but also for muscle and back painsand runny nose. Sudden loss of vision may also be caused by the use of this drug. Patientsexperiencing this problem may also notice dizziness and ringing in the ears atthe same time.
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