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Neck Knots Characteristics

People develop these strange andbothersome bumps on their necks due to various reasons. Mainly, thishappens because their muscle fiber gets too tense, being unable torelax, staying in a state similar to a knot, hence the name of thiscondition. There are many different causes of neck knots and these can manifest themselves in various ways. Thus, if you desire toknow more about these strange neck occurrences, perhaps the following information may be of assistance.

Neck knots get created due to the veryprinciples of neck muscle functions. Namely, there are many differentmuscle groups located in our neck. These muscles work in “shifts”,exchanging their actions from being passive to being active,depending on the situation. Sometimes, however, some of these musclesget dysfunctional, forcing the rest of the muscles to take over allof their functions. Then, these preoccupied muscles get too stressedout, being unable to relax from their tense form, resulting in theformation of these knots.

As for the possible reasons behind thismuscle injury, the affected person may have experienced a directinjury of the neck area due to a blow or a trauma of a differentkind. Additionally, lifting heavy things may be behind this problemas well. Finally, various other, underlying conditions may be causingneck knots, directly or indirectly.

Possible Ways of Treating Neck Knots

Unless the knots are swollen, you mayconsider applying heat onto them, providing yourself relief. Theseknots will be softened by the heat, disappearing along with the painand the discomfort. You might use electric or get heated pads inorder to achieve this properly.

A simple, thorough massage of the neckarea may prove to be extremely effective, even completely removingthe neck knot. It is important to apply pressure on the knot, eventhough pain might be experienced. If the massage is performedcorrectly and carefully, once it was done, the pain, as well as the knotsmight vanish.

If the pain is troubling youexcessively, you might consider taking some anti-inflammatory,painkiller, or muscle relaxing medications. These might come in formsof pills, injections or creams, taking the pain and discomfort away,possibly fighting off any inflammations in the area.

Finally, alternatively, you might tryout electrical stimulation, neck stretching exercises or ultrasoundtherapy, since all of these may be effective. Also keep yourselfwell hydrated, eat healthy and stay physically active in order toprevent these knots from ever troubling you in the first place.

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