Keratosis pilaris
The skin is our major organ, andsince it is visible, every skin disorder can be easily noticed. One of the skinconditions is keratosis pilaris. This skin disorder is not yet fully studied,although approximately a half of the population is affected by it. Keratosispilaris is usually mistaken for acne because many symptoms are just the same,like bumps, pimples and rough dry skin. It is a fact that it affects more womenthan men, and it usually appears during puberty, pregnancy and childbirth.
This condition usually appears inthe upper arms and tights. The area that is affected by keratosis pilaris rubrafaceii, which are keratosis pilaris bumps, usually undergoes hyperpigmentationand becomes darker, or hypopigmentation when it becomes lighter than the normalskin. This skin condition is not caused by a bacterium, virus or fungus and anymalfunction of the glands. It appears when the protein keratin in dead skincells blocks the hair follicles. As the result of that, bumps form. The peoplewho have the problem with obesity, as well as those who suffer from atopicdermatitis or ichthyosis, are more susceptible to develop this skin condition.
Home remedies for keratosispilaris
Since medicine has advanced,there are many conventional medications that can be used for the treatment ofkeratosis pilaris. However, many herbalists, as well as the skin specialistscalled dermatologists, recommend home remedies for curing of this conditionsince thus there are no side effects. First of all, it is important to wash theface very gently with soft soaps and then leave the skin slightly moisturizedwith remaining water. Furthermore, moisturizing cream should be applied on thefacial skin. The most recommended moisturizing lotions or creams contain ureaand propylene glycol.
Lactic acid is very good forremoving of the keratin accumulation. Although there are many creams withlactic acid, it is better to prepare a face pack at home. One spoon of granularsugar should be mixed with two spoons of sour cream and then applied to theskin. Moreover, yogurt also contains lactic acid; so therefore, it should beapplied on the face for about 20 minutes. People who suffer from this skincondition should change their diet. They should consume lots of fresh fruitsand vegetables, as well as foods rich in vitamin A, vitamin E and omega-3essential fatty acids. Avoiding many allergens and pollutants, drinking as muchwater as possible, and exposure to the sun are also some of the recommendationsfor the successful treatment of keratosis pilaris.
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