Dry skin is a problem of many individuals of different age. It is localized on certain parts of the body or affects the entire skin. Even though dry skin is usually connected with harsh weather conditions and normally affects older individuals as a result of the aging process, it should be taken seriously if it lasts for a long period of time. Also, dry skin may point to the presence of an underlying skin or systemic condition that requires further evaluation.
Dry Skin - How to Help?
People with dry skin may have additional problems if they shave the affected skin. So, in order to prevent even more severe dryness, one is supposed to use a lubricating agent like shaving cream, change blades often and always shave in the direction that the hair grows.
It is a well known fact that prolonged baths or showers, especially if water is hot and one uses harsh soaps and shower gels, is the reason why dry skin may become even drier. So, in order to prevent the occurrence of dry skin and sooth the already affected one, a person is due to use lukewarm water, mild soaps and shower gels and never spend more time bathing or showering that 5-10 minutes.
After each and every shower and bath, the skin must be covered with a moisturizer. The effects are best if one uses a moisturizer while the skin is still moist.
Finally, people with dry skin may notice slight improvement if they start drinking sufficient amounts of water on a daily basis.
Dry Skin and Keratosis Pilaris
In individuals who are suffering from keratosis pilaris the affected skin is of a sandpaper-like texture. In the majority of cases the skin of the upper arms gets affected. However, even thighs and cheeks may be covered with skin changes characteristic for keratosis pilaris.
There are tiny little bumps scattered on the red skin. They actually originate form hair follicles. The affected skin is itchy, especially during winter months, while slight improvement is reported in summer when the sun may make the skin look more even in tone.
Most patients dealing with keratosis pilaris complain about itchiness and search for treatment options that will deal with unpleasant appearance of skin changes. Skin dryness and accompanying itch are brought under control with lactic acid creams. Additional help is obtained from mild peeling agents while severe forms require topical retinoids.
Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure for keratosis pilaris because the condition is recurrent. This is why patients require therapy on a regular basis, particularly during winter months.
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