Once a woman realizes that she has made a mistake when she underwent the tubal ligation procedure, usually because she desires to have babies after all, she has two choices in front of her. First of all, she can undergo another surgery, the tubal reversal, where the tied tubes will be untied, allowing a woman to become pregnant again. Secondly, she may opt for in-vitro fertilization. Both of these methods can be effective. Nevertheless, they are quite different and offer different results.
IVF vs Tubal Reversal
Since there are numerous differences between the two procedures, you need to learn more about both of them. The Internet is an excellent source of knowledge in this respect, so do not hesitate to use it for your maximum benefit.
First of all, there is the price. Both of these procedures are costly. Yet, they offer effective results, even though IVF may take longer time before allowing you to get successfully pregnant.
Chances of getting pregnant through IVF are about 28%. However, you can learn everything about the success of your pregnancy up to 5 weeks after the implantation. Moreover, the drugs administered during IVF treatment and procedure trigger strong side-effects like headaches, hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings and the potentially life-threatening ovarian hyperstimulation.
Usually, women who are afraid of surgeries opt for IVF rather than tubal reversal. The IVF procedure is carried out under an anesthetic which completely removes the pain and any sensations which might be present. Once the eggs are successfully extracted, the woman is given progesterone before the implantation process takes place.
As for the Tubal Ligation…
The other procedure lasts for about one hour, when carried out by an experienced surgeon who knows what he/she is doing. In some hospitals, you can even be discharged several hours after the surgery itself. Some women even go to work several days after tubal reversal. Yet, no heavy lifting should be done for a month, once a woman undergoes this procedure.
As for the success rate of this surgical operation, it depends greatly on the age of the patient. Women who are 40 or older have decreased chances of having kids after tubal reversal. Nevertheless, chances for having children range from 41% to 82%, being much higher than those or IVF.
Finally, keep in mind that a single IVF cycle costs about $10,000. Tubal reversals are a bit cheaper, being between $8,000 and $9,000 even though there are people who can perform this surgery for about $6,000. Yet, tubal ligation may become effective only after a year or even more.
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