Bladder Spasms
The bladder is an organ which collects urine. It is emptied voluntary and healthy people can control their bladders. In some people sudden and unexpected involuntary contraction of the bladder may cause uncontrolled urination which may or may not be accompanied by pain. So if we talk about bladder spasms we actually talk about a form of incontinence in which person cannot control urine leakage even though there is no structural abnormality of the bladder. This condition differs from typical incontinence because leakage of urine is caused by random contractions of the bladder and not improper function of sphincter, the muscle which closes the bladder not allowing urine to leak uncontrollably.
Causes of Bladder Spasms
This medical condition occurs due to a variety of causes. Bladder spasms are typical for people suffering from urinary tract infections. In infection irritation of the bladder causes frequent contractions even though there may not be urine in the bladder at all. Bladder spasms may also affect pregnant women or they can occur during delivery. In some people certain nerves in the body tend to become weak or mixed-up. This may result in wrong signals sent by the brain to the bladder. These signals induce urgent urination. This problem may affect people suffering from numerous diseases such as diabetes mellitus, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and so on. Patients who have undergone certain types of surgery sometimes require urinary catheterization. Prolonged urinary catheterization may be another cause of bladder spasms. Even certain foods may induce bladder spasms. Caffeine, spicy food and alcohol are only some of the foods responsible for uncontrollable urination. And finally, random contractions of the bladder typically occur in interstitial cystitis.
Treatment for Bladder Spasms
Treatment is required for all people who suffer from serious problems related to bladder spasms. Patients can adopt certain maneuvers which may help them with the problem or in case that the problem lingers they can ask for professional help.
The first step would be avoidance of certain foods which cause bladder spasms. Furthermore, one should learn and adopt a habit to urinate at regular intervals. Regular urination can help in reduction of leakage. In some patients strengthening of the pelvic muscles may be another solution. Before applying any of the exercise patients are due to consult the doctor for s/he will explain which of the muscles require exercise and what kind of exercises are the most suitable. Sometimes the patients may perform exercises on their own and even aggravate the condition. Medicamentous therapy includes antidepressants, anticholinergics, and alpha-blockers. Spasms can be additionally eliminated by injection of Botox right into the muscles of the bladder. And finally, some patients may benefit from acupuncture.
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