About Pregnancy Dizziness
First trimester of pregnancy is a period when many womenexperience dizziness and fainting. This condition is usually not serious and doesn’trepresent something a woman should worry about. Consult your doctor if dizzinessseems to go hand in hand with some vision changes, chest pain or shortness ofbreath or if it is accompanied with vaginal bleeding. These symptoms mayindicate more serious problems such as ectopic pregnancy or problems with lowplacenta.
Different Causes of Dizziness
Lying flat on your back, standing up abruptly, inadequatehydration and diet and too much heat and exercise are some of the most commoncauses of dizziness in pregnant women.
Lying on the back for a long period of time may be thereason for dizziness in second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Growinguterus pressurizes the vena cava and pelvic veins in the body, causing slowcirculation in the legs. Because of that, expecting moms may experiencehypotension, increased heart rate, nausea and dizziness. Lie on the side orplace a pillow under the lower part of the body, to ease the compression andresolve these symptoms.
Abrupt standing up is another cause of dizziness in pregnantwomen, especially in the morning. This condition if often followed by nauseaand it is caused by inadequate amount of blood that comes to the head. Avoid standingup suddenly and getting up from the bed very quickly while you are pregnant. Standing in one spot for a long time may also have the same consequences, so try to moveyour legs from time to time and buy some support stockings.
Too little food and water are also known to provoke dizzinessin pregnancy. This might happen even after the meals, if you don’t takea sufficient amount of water. Drink at least 8 glasses of clear water every day toavoid dehydration. Eat a small meal every few hours and make sure you includeenough proteins and iron into the diet.
Overheated environment may be the cause of your dizzinesstoo. Hot and crowded places are not somewhere you need to be, but also be careful when taking a hot shower or a bath.
Too much physical activity in pregnancy may lead to dizzinessand hyperventilation. Doctors advise frequent rest and light exercises for future moms.
Certain medical conditions may also be possible causes of dizziness in pregnancy. Anemia and lack of iron commonly causedizziness and headaches in pregnant women. Additionally, problems with the thyroidgland, imbalance of electrolytes and vasovagal syncope episodes mayprovoke dizziness in expecting moms as well.
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