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Aging is a natural process and we are all aware of that. But, in spite of that, we can’t face the fact that one day we are going to be old, and we try and fight against aging. There are some things that we can do in order to reverse the signs of aging and in this text, we will try to describe them. There are five basics ways of reversing aging.

5 ways that will help you look younger

Let’s start with the first one, which refers to the Dr. Perricone Diet. This diet can help your skin to revers its previous look of freshness, as it focuses on reversing the wrinkles. This diet programs lasts for 28 days and the purpose of it is to reduce saturated fats, level of sugar, and all the other things that cause your skin to have wrinkles. This diet demands that from all the food that you have eaten 75% of it is raw. It is because raw fruit and vegetables are rich in enzymes and other things that regain youth. By low GI diet one can also reduce the appearance of the wrinkles on the face because it reduces sugar in your blood, which is responsible for some heart diseases and premature aging.Another thing that is important for our overall health is sleep. Lack of sleep has a big influence on the way we look. One should sleep enough (8 hours), so that his/her skin can look fresher.Anti-aging creams can also be a powerful fool tool in the fight against age. But, don’t be disappointed if the results fail with the first cream that you use. You should try with several creams until you are sure that you have found the right one. You have to be persistent and the first results will show in a month.Fit in your schedule a period of day in which you can do some exercise. It will improve your muscles and you will feel better.Regarding the makeup, there are some things that a woman should avoid in the later years. She should avoid some colors of a lipstick such as brown, as it makes her look older. She shouldn’t also powder eye shadows, and instead of that, she should use cream shadows because thy nicely cover all the wrinkles which she doesn’t want to be seen. Skin on the face should always be hydrated, so that it remains young and fresh. The proper way of applying makeup can make you look even 10 times younger. You should also take a good care of your teeth so that you can have an astonishing smile even in your forties and fifties.

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