Immunity is the body's ability to resist and defend against the infection, disease or other biological or chemical hazards.
The most dangerous for the immune system are free radicals that attack healthy cells causing their mutations. This can lead to serious illnesses such as heart disease and cancer. It is known that certain types of foods acting as anti-oxidants destroy free radicals. Therefore, high-quality diet enriched with nutrients significantly contributes to strengthening the immune system. It is also a regular physical activity greatly helps the body to defend against various diseases and infections.
Poor immune system manifests in frequent cold, flu infections, cold sores, genital herpes and wounds and swelling of lymph glands. Cancer is the most extreme consequence of a low immune system.
Strengthening the immune system requires the food enrichment with various nutrients supplements.
The most powerful antioxidant is vitamin C. It has multiple effects - creates a resistance to stress; provides the absorption of iron; strengthens connective tissue, bones and teeth; and reduces inflammation. Weakness, fatigue, slow healing of wounds, bleeding gums and anemia indicate its deficit. Lemon, orange, kiwi, apples, raspberries, blueberries, kale, peppers and cabbage are inexhaustible sources of vitamin C.
Vitamin E is another irreplaceable antioxidant, effective in the fight against the aging. It restores suppleness and rejuvenates the skin, protects it from burns and prevents the occurrence of tumors. It is recommended to smokers, diabetics and heart patients. It is found in olive oil, walnuts, almonds, butter and green vegetables.
Carotenoids are a large group of yellow, red and orange pigments present in the leaves, fruits and flowers of fruit and vegetables, egg yolk, and in some animal species. They contribute significantly to human health reducing the risk of cataracts, coronary artery disease, lung, breast, stomach, prostate, colon, ovary, endometrium, pancreas and bladder cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Selenium is an element essential for the proper functioning of enzyme systems. It protects red blood cells and cell membranes. It is also essential for the functioning of the defense system and thyroid gland. Together with other antioxidants it protects the heart, helps in depression, fatigue and excessive nervousness. Selen also reduces the amount of harmful substances which cause the occurrence of rheumatic inflammation. Foods richest in selenium include: wheat, unprocessed rice, oats, melon seeds, half-fated milk, lean meat and fish.
Lack of iron in the blood can cause anemia, which further weaken the immune system. Therefore it is necessary to ensure the required daily intake of this ingredient to help defend the body against infection. Iron-rich foods are pork, chicken, beef liver, oysters, boiled beans and peas, lentils, and pumpkin seeds.
Mumio is a product of nature, which is secreted from some rocks under the influence of spring water. It contains 50 elements and looks like a resin. To raise the immune system mumio is usually consumed in tablet form.
In addition to the previously described ingredients there are some more ways for strengthening the immune system by natural, which includes Astragalus Root (stimulates white blood cells to fight viral infections), Ashwagandha (mitigates effects of stress, strengthening immunity), Siberian and Asian Ginseng, Echinacea and Green tea that stimulate the production of immune cells.
Also, diet low in calories with low percentage of fat is of great significance for strengthening the immune system because excess fat restricts the body in fight against free radicals.
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