The immune system is the most complicated system in our body, and therefore, it is liable to problems. The foreign particles that affect it are called antigens. In many cases, the immune system crashes due to a virus or a bacteria and the treatment of a diseases can result as well in the positive outcome and in the negative one (AIDS, cancer).
There are some signs and symptoms that can indicate that there is some immune disorder occurring in the body. These signs include low or decreased appetite or anorexia, underweight, high temperature and fever, pneumonia and meningitis and allergic reactions. Here, we will try to name some of the most frequent immune system disorders.
DiGeorge Syndrome is an immune system disorder that is caused by an underdeveloped gland. This disorder is also called dysplasia.Severe Combined Immunodeficiency is caused by an absence of the B and T lymphocytes and in that case, the immune system is liable to infections, because it can’t be protected from them.HIV/AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is probably the best known immunity system disorder and so far, a cure for it hasn’t been found. A person suffering from HIV is prone to many infections, because of the inability of the immune system to defend from them and the fatal outcome is possible.Allergic Disorders include asthma and eczema, and can be chronic or hereditary.Autoimmune Disorders are disorders in which the immune system doesn’t recognize its own healthy organs and therefore, it attacks them. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is such a condition and in this case, the immune system attacks knee joints and other joints because it believes that they are foreign objects in the body.Cancer is an immune system disorder in which the organs deteriorate due to the growth of malignant cells. Because the treatment requires chemotherapy and radiation, the immune system is further weakened. One of such cancers is leukemia promoting the growth of leukocytes that is high above the average level.Causes and Treatment of Immune System Problems
The causes for immune system disorder can be various, starting from virus, bacteria and pathogens, but they can also appear due to the genetics. One of the major immune system disorders is HIV, because it can destroy the immune system very fast, and a person diagnosed from HIV can die even from cold, because the immune system is so weak that it can’t fight it. Some other causes are allergies, deficiencies andcancers. The treatment of the immune system disorders consists of intake of vitamins (B6, D and D) and a proper diet.
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