The damage of the tendon, which connects the elbow and the forearmmuscles, produces a condition called tennis elbow, and when this problemoccurs, patient will experience a pain or soreness in the elbow, which cansometimes expand to the wrist. The treatment should be promptly performed sincethe troubles may become even greater. The official name for this condition islateral epicondylitis and the most common cause of the tennis elbow productionis the stress on the tendon are made by a constant use of the arm. Direct traumamay also cause it.
Naturally, this condition is widespread among the tennis players, butthis isn't connected with the sport as much it is with the way the muscles areused. The same muscle movement is performed when painting or using ascrewdriver. This condition usually affects people older than 40 years. Thecondition is detected with an x-ray and in most cases the doctor will examinethe elbow and ask several questions,before he performs the x-ray. The MRI isused only when a treatment isn't giving any results, because in this way, thedoctor can see whether the bone or damage of the tissue is the one causing the problems.Tendons will need to heal, and to do that, you will need to have plenty ofrest. The severity of the case will show how long the treatment will last.
Of course, surgery can be performed, but most cases are veryeasily treated without the surgery. Treatment is most effective if it starts atthe beginning of the problem. Try not to move in a way which produces pain. Youcan use some anti-inflammatory drugs,such as ibuprofen and Aspirin, for thepain in the first two days and even splint can be used though its role inhelping with the treatment is not yet discovered. The treatment will consist ofexercises that will strengthen and stretch your tennis elbow. This physicaltherapy will increase the range of motion of the elbow and decrease the pain.Doctors can give you a counter-force brace, by which the elbow will be strapped.There is the possibility the condition will remain even after the treatment,but when this happens, certain methods are used. The first method is theultrasound therapy, and the second the corticosteroid injections, which aregiven after 8 weeks of unsuccessful treatment. Surgery is the last resort performedafter a year of treatment and in cases when the problem is caused by a chronic overuseor when very large tears are made. The sudden injury and overuse of tendon areusually treated without the surgery.
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