Ovarian cysts are quite harmless and more often than not will dissipate without any treatment being required. They look like sacs filled with fluid and are about the size of an almond.
Causes for Ovarian Cysts
The structure of a cyst forms in the ovary during a women’s ovulation and is named a follicle. When the egg is discharged the follicle should burst a corpus luteum should then grow over the unfilled follicle conversely sometimes this procedure does not finish properly thus giving you the functional ovarian cyst which is the most common type.
If there is an inequity of certain hormones within the female like estrogen and progesterone then an abnormal cyst may grow called polycystic disease.
Types of Cysts
Functional Cysts will usually get smaller and eventually go away on their own accord. In order for this to happen 2 or 3 months need to pass.
Dermoid Cysts quite unusually contain different tissues such as skin and even hair.
Cystadenoma Cysts are made from cells outside of the ovaries.
Polycystic Ovarian Disease are connected to fertility problems in women because they make the ovaries enlarge and get thick. Such ovaries tend to be painful.
Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts
Usually there are no symptoms of ovarian cysts however some symptoms that may occur are bloating and a dull ache. Sometimes there can be pain during intercourse. This pain or pressure happens because of a few reasons such as the size of the cyst or perhaps bleeding of the cyst.
If your period has been irregular or delayed then it could be a possibility of a cyst so make sure you speak to your GP.
How are Ovarian Cysts Diagnosed
Most diagnosis happens when you have your regular pelvic examination. However you can also detect the cysts through ultrasounds.
Treatments for Ovarian Cysts
The treatment of the ovarian cyst will depend on different things like the size of the cyst. Also the women's age will come into consideration as well as her health and lifestyle. The doctor will ask the patient about her plans for any future pregnancy and which symptoms she may be going through.When young healthy women are aware of having a cyst the usual course of action is to wait 2 or 3 months to see if the cyst will dissipate on its own. Sometimes the doctor may give a prescription for hormones which will aid in the shrinking of the cyst. Occasionally surgery may be required and will depend on many factors.
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