Taking a closer look to bruising
Bruising is a very frequent phenomenon simply because the bruise appear as the logical consequence, for instance, of some trauma (e.g. forceful punch with a dull object), of a fall, or as the result of the sucking of biting, and in that case, we refer to it as hickey. It could be colored in a variety of colors from yellow to purple and brown and during its existence, it could alternate its appearance. But, most frequently, the bruises, or as medically called, the contusions, are of reddish and purple color, since they are the result of the rupture of the blood vessels in the affected area. That is, the blood then flows into the nearby tissue around, making it of the darker color than the rest of the skin.

The bruise of the heel and how to deal with it
Nevertheless, the most troublesome bruises happen as a damage to the skin from a bone. Such the injury most commonly occurs in the case of the heel bone and the skin area over the heel, especially among sportsmen, who put a lot of stress on this part of the body on a daily basis. The heel bone could be damaged from the outside, or it could be broken, or simply, there can be the abnormal pressure of the bone to the tissue (in that case, the injury happens gradually, through the time). Besides these causes, which are most likely to happen, there could be the underlying condition of the swollen ligament under the heel bone, which also leads to the contusion.
It is important to know that there are certain cushion-like fatty formations beneath the heel bone, which are moved to the sides if there is the excessive amount of the pressure put on the heel bone, and that is why the heel itself becomes so vulnerable. Therefore, apart from the apparent darkening of the skin, this injury is manifested as the swelling and the pain, and the pain is significantly aggravated when changing the direction while running, or when simply moving downhill, such as, for example, while skiing.
Anyway, just like in the case of the all similar injuries, when the pain and swelling are involved and are the major troubles, first of all, it is necessary to provide a lot of rest, by holding the leg lifted above the line of the heart, since any harmful movement could really worsen the condition. The first aid includes putting the ice, which is previously wrapped in some cloth over the swollen area. Of course, the process of the recovery will be sped up with keeping the cold and elastic bandage over it. For the best results, the fat should be applied over the injury by the tapping act.
Of course, the pain could be lessened with some medications for it, but if the pain is not gone within 7 days, one should seek the medical advice.
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