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For couples who cannot conceive a child due to male infertility, for lesbian couples, or for single mothers by choice, sperm donation can provide a way to have a child. There are quite a large number of sperm banks in the United States today. All of them are slightly different, with varying possibilities and policies. When you are just starting to consider getting pregnant through sperm donation, knowing how to choose the sperm bank that best suits your needs can be extremely challenging. Here are some pointers on how to choose a sperm bank.

Before making a decision on which sperm bank to use, asking what screening procedures they perform on their donors is crucial. Some banks carry out extensive genetic screenings and require a complete medical history, while others are less strict. Some banks offer photos of their donors, and even videos. Some have ID-release donors, whereas others operate on a largely anonymous basis. There are banks that offer a sibling matching service so that you can get in touch with people use used the same donor, so if this is something you are interested in that will limit your choice of banks somewhat. Depending on your ethnicity, or your preferences when it comes to the ethnic background of your potential sperm donor, your options will be limited.

Most sperm banks have a wide choice of sperm donors with a Caucasian background, but minority donors are in shorter supply. While "Caucasian sperm" sometimes even arrives from afar, from countries such as Denmark, black, Asian, and Mexican donors are rare. If you are searching for a Mexican donor, for instance, you will practically be limited to one sperm bank. What insemination method are you planning on using? For those who want to opt for at-home insemination, it is important to find out whether your chosen bank is willing to ship vials to your home. Some have no problems with this, whereas others will ship exclusively to fertility clinics. What is your chosen bank's shipping method? How long will it take for the goods to get to you? Will your bank need a certain notice period, or can they get vials to you quickly? Especially for DIY inseminators, it is important that you will get your vials right around your ovulation.

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