Miscarriage is regarded as a natural abortion of the fetus. It is one of the most distressful conditions in the life of every woman, since the joy and happiness of conceived pregnancy and the thought of a new life in the belly are suddenly destroyed. Although miscarriage may occur at any time in the pregnancy, in the majority of cases, it happens in the first trimester of the pregnancy. It is estimated that even every fifth pregnancy ends with miscarriage.
Causes of miscarriage
Genetic or biological reasons on one side, and lifestyle habits of a woman on the other side, are responsible for the occurrence of miscarriage. First of all, the women over 35 years of age are at high risk to lose their babies, as well as those women who already suffer from certain medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes and overactive thyroid gland. Spontaneous abortion may also be induced by excessive smoking and consumption of alcohol, as well as by strenuous physical activities and traumatic situation.
Symptoms of miscarriage
Sometimes miscarriage may be asymptomatic and the woman can even have a miscarriage not knowing it. The main symptoms of this condition include vaginal bleeding or vaginal spotting, accompanied by pain in the abdomen, which is similar to the menstrual cramps. The pain may also appear in the lower back, buttocks and genitals.
Ways to avoid miscarriage
Every woman should have a complete checkup once she begins to make plans to stay pregnant. Thus, if there are some health problems, they can be treated before pregnancy in order to prevent the possible negative effect of that condition on the health of the baby. Once a woman conceives pregnancy, there are several things that she should practice in order to reduce the risks of miscarriage.
First of all, the diet should be changed and the healthy foods high in vitamins and minerals should be consumed throughout the pregnancy.Alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine should not be consumed in pregnancy, while strenuous physical exercises and activities should not be performed since they may cause miscarriage. However, there are specific exercises only designed for pregnancy and thus, they are allowed and recommended.Walking for at least 20 minutes a day, drinking a lot of water and having ample amount of rest is highly recommended for every woman if she cares about her pregnancy and the health of her baby.The pregnancy should be carefully monitored and when the woman notices anything she does not find normal for her state, she should not think twice, but immediately call her doctor.
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