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Keep off in order not to worry

A pregnant woman needs to take good care of her health, in order to give birth to a healthy baby. This is, of course, may not be easy, given the amount of pressure a woman is under in those months prior to the child’s birth. An important aspect that needs to be considered is the food a woman consumes, to maintain her health, throughout the pregnancy term.

Here is a list of food varieties that a woman should not consume during pregnacy.

Deli meat – is known to contain listeria, which is quite well known for its negative effects on the woman’s pregnancy – it can induce a miscarriage. This happens due to the fact that listeria, has the ability to enter the placenta, thus infecting the baby and causing a life threatening infection or blood poisoning. Fish (rich in mercury) – varieties that abound in mercury are not to be consumed. One of the reasons for this is, that mercury intake during woman’s pregnancy has been directly connected to the occurrence of developmental delay, as well as serious brain damage, to the unborn child. Smoked seafood, like lox, kippered herring and even jerky, needs to be excluded from the woman’s daily diet for the risk is quite high, in terms of it being listeria contaminated. These fish are located in the deli section of a grocery store. Canned seafood, such as tuna or salmon are, in most cases acceptable and can be eaten. Fish exposed to industrial pollutants are on the list of forbidden items. This fish is considered to be contaminated most often by extreme levels of polychlorinated biphenyls. Such fish varieties are the following – bluefish, striped bass, salmon, trout, as well as walleye. In addition, pregnant woman should also disregard raw shellfish, raw eggs, soft cheese varieties, pate, caffeine and, of course, alcohol.

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