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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease refers to agroup of the diseases that affect the respiratory system in the humans. One ofthese diseases is bronchitis, which is characterized by the inflammation of thebronchi. The bronchi represent the branches of the trachea. When the inflammation of the bronchi occurs, itcauses the excessive production of mucous that usually blocks the airways andthe breathing is thus made difficult.

When bronchitis is caused by virus or bacteria, the person in question suffers from acute bronchitis. On the other side, there is also chronic bronchitis, which occurs when the inflammation of the bronchi is prolonged. The main causesof the chronic bronchitis are smoking, second hand smoking, cold airand exposure to industrial pollutants. Bronchitis is a respiratory disease with thesymptoms that resemble those of the common cold. However, the main differencebetween these two respiratory disorders is that in bronchitis the person ejectsthick and yellowish phlegm while coughing.

Is bronchitis contagious?

When bronchitis is caused by certain pathogens, suchas viruses or bacteria, it is contagious. On the other side, when it is causedby smoking, industrial pollutants or cold air, it is not contagious. Therefore,it can be concluded that acute bronchitis is contagious, while the chronic bronchitis is not.

Acute bronchitis can be easily passed from person toperson since it is airborne disease. One can get infected through a contactwith the infected person, because when the infected person coughs or breathes, he/shecan infect the others. Acute bronchitis is contagious as long as thesymptoms last. The doctors usually prescribe antibiotics to treat thiscondition, but it is still contagious even when the symptoms begin to gradually reduce untilthey disappear totally.

Treatment and prevention of bronchitis

Apart from taking medicines (such as antibiotics, for example, in cases of bacterial bronchitis), the people who suffer from this condition should rest and drink a lot of fluid. It is also recommended to use home vaporizersince it can help in curing bronchitis as fast as possible.

It is always better to prevent than to cure, which is why everybody should take certain precautions when this respiratory disease is in question. One of the best things to do in order to prevent bronchitis is vaccination. Furthermore,it is important to avoid people while they have bronchitis developed. Avoiding theexposure to industrial pollutants, as well as smoking is also essential in orderto prevent the occurrence of this condition.

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