Bronchitis and the mainsymptoms
Bronchitis is a medical term forthe disease marked by the inflammation of the linings of bronchial tubes, whichhave the role to transport air to the lungs as well as from the lungs. Thereare several types of bronchitis and the least serious is mild bronchitis,which usually occurs because of the cold or some respiratory infection. On theother side, chronic bronchitis is serious because in this condition frequentinflammations, usually caused by smoking, affect the lining of the bronchialtubes. Chronic bronchitis needs medical treatment and this condition belongs tochronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.
Bronchitis,as each disease, has its characteristic warning signs and symptoms, and themost common are cough, slight chills or fever and chest discomfort.Furthermore, the increased production of clear, white, yellowish-gray or greensputum is quite normal for bronchitis, and in addition to this signs, shortnessof breath, fatigue and wheezing may also appear.
Chronic bronchitis can developeven in the case when acute bronchitis was not present, whereas, after acutebronchitis, a person who suffered from it may continue to cough for severalweeks, and that is normal. Acute bronchitis usually does not need anytreatment and disappears after a few days, but it is very important to visitthe doctor when the cough is severe and prevents sleeping. Furthermore, thepersistent low-grade fever, long-lasting cough, and chronic lung or heart problemsare only some of the conditions that must be reported to thephysician. Bronchitis can be caused by viruses, bacteria or some otherfactors that irritate the bronchial tubes.
Causes of acute bronchitis
Acute bronchitis can be causes bythe same viruses that are responsible for the development of colds. Moreover,this type can appear as a result of tobacco smoking or due to the exposure tosome pollutants, such as smog or some household cleaners. Acute bronchitismay develop when the stomach acid enters esophagus and several drops of itreach upper airway. This condition is known under the name gastroesophagealreflux disease. Occupational bronchitis is a type of acute bronchitis thatcan occur when a person is constantly exposed to dusts or fumes.
Causes of chronic bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis is a seriousdisease and in most cases it is caused by smoking. In addition tosmoking, some other factors can lead to the occurrence of this disease, such asair pollution and dust or toxic gases in the environment. The doctorsusually prescribe some antibiotics, cough medicines or bronchodilators.Anti-inflammatory medicines and glucocorticoid steroids are also very effectivein treating bronchitis.
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