The following lines will be dedicated to the hormone which has been discovered recently. During the studies performed on mice, this hormone has shown abilities to extend life so this hormone will be used in production of drugs that can prolong life of humans. This drug would be some sort of life youth fountain, which is something that the majority of people on the planet would like to have. While some may think that it is just gibberish and that such products will not see the daylight in many years, others think differently.
Youth Fountain
Every mammal is able to produce naturally the hormone in question, and humans can do that as well, since we are mammals. According to the researches, aging process can be slowed down with the use of this hormone or its derivate, but this is just pioneering researches with inconclusive evidence. There is a lot more work to be done until we have a positive confirmation that this is effective and that it can go into mass production. So, before this happens, many studies and researches will have to be done, so we learn about this hormone as much as we can. Scientists will try to make the connection between the slowing of the aging process and this hormone, but if this turns false, they will learn more about the aging process and our body during this process.
The Klotho Protein
The mentioned studies conducted on mice involved injections of Klotho hormone into mice and those who took this hormone, experienced process of aging in a slower manner. You can just imagine the happiness that this discovery brought. The National Institute of Aging was one of delighted parties. Healthier aging should be possible if creation of certain natural hormones or molecules is stimulated. This should mean that we can reduce the severity of the illnesses brought on by aging. Also, this hormone can help us understand the aging process on the molecular level, which may be very beneficial and help us find new treatments for diseases caused by aging. Studies conducted on animals with overactive Klotho hormone show 30% increase in life longevity, then those with normal or lower levels of this hormone.
Testing is presently done on animals only, but we hope that they will find proof that this hormone does suppress the aging process and that it increases life span. Studies performed today do not include injections of this hormone but this will be done very soon. Also, we do not know which level of this hormone will promote longer life and slow down the process of aging. Illnesses associated with aging, like Parkinson’s and stroke, can be associated with the deficiencies of certain genes or variations, so we may be able to cut this connection and provide the body with the needed items. There are some complications involved, but the only one discovered so far is reduced insulin production among humans. Fountain of youth is still far away from us, but we are getting there, one step at a time.
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