Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder that involves a constant concern, tension, fear and suspicion that something bad will happen. Also, this disorder often involves excessive care about non-functioning of insignificant items and collecting these items. In addition, people with this disorder tend to repeat certain activities - their own rituals, which is their way to feel safe from danger.
OCD obsessions mainly include:high anxiety if things are not arranged in a specific order the fear of disease and dirt, which can even lead to dermatitis due to frequent hand washing thoughts and feelings about harming someone doubths about the door left unlocked and the stove turned on repeating pornographic images in head. OCD compulsions include consecutive repeat some activities such as:cleaning checking, whether the doors are left unlocked or the stove stayed turned on counting and calculating in the specific patterns matching objects in a specific order.OCD can be treated with psychotherapy and medication.
The existence of OCD establishes by detailed discussion with a psychologist or psychiatrist who generally seek answers to questions such as: are there disturbing thoughts and worries and panic feelings or is there is a need for patterned repetition of certain activities. When the diagnosis confirmed starts with a treatment that, although OCD is considered incurable, could be successful because there are many counselors, psychiatrists and psychologists specially trained to treat this disorder. Cognitive-behavioral therapy has proved to be the most effective talk therapy to overcome this problem. It primarily involves learning about the OCD and better understanding of obsessions and compulsions by their holders. Then, it uses two very effective methods (exposure and ritual prevention) by which as time passes by the patients stop with their compulsions, building a greater sense of security in dealing with everyday problems. Overcoming OCD is a difficult, arduous and time-consuming process. It means going to therapy up to twice per week at first and when the patients feel better they decreases number of sessions. Treatment may last from several months to even couple of years. It may be that the symptoms very quickly withdraw but also to worsen in stressful situations. However, the treatment should be persistent to provide time for enjoying other things in life.
OCD can be treated with the drugs of which usually uses antidepressants. They raise the level of serotonin in the brain that allows its normal functioning. The most used antidepressants are Anafranil, Fluvoxamine, Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft. The goal of these medications is removing OCD symptoms with the smallest possible dose. Choice of medication depends on the individual and its disorder manifest. It is even possible to try several types of medication before it is established appropriate remedy for an individual. Generally, it may take up to several weeks before appear first signs of improvement. In extreme situations doctor can provide a combination of antidepressants and antipsychotics to alleviate the symptoms of OCD with greater efficiency. These drugs are not allowed to stop taking independently and should not suddenly stop their use, but it is necessary to gradually reduce the dose. All drugs for treating psychological problems have side effects that may endanger human health. Given that these drugs in combination with other drugs, food and other substances can have very serious consequences, it is necessary that patient during therapy is under regular supervision of a physician.
In severe cases of OCD when psychotherapy and medication don’t give particular assistance, applies extreme therapies, such as residential treatment, psychiatric hospitalization, transcranial magnetic stimulation, deep brain stimulation and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).
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