Epileptic Attack
Epilepsy is a disorder which might has just one visible symptom – seizure. The seizure is a sudden change in behavior. Sometimes, it can include the fall or unconsciousness, but might also remain unseen or un-noticed by you or the others around you.
The exact cause of epilepsy is still unknown. Scientists have recorded excessive, simultaneous discharge of some groups of neurons in the brain during the seizure. This synchronized action is believed to be the cause of epilepsy. According to the location where the seizure started, seizures are divided in:
Partial seizures Generalized seizuresPartial seizures start in localized parts of the brain and can be: simple, complex and secondary generalized.
Generalized seizures may be located in the whole brain and these are: grand mal (or tonic-clonic seizures), petit mal (sometimes called absence seizures), mioclonic, and atonic seizures.
There are also other types of epilepsy, such as Jacsonian fit, traumatic and sensory epilepsy.Homeopathic Solutions for Epilepsy
Homeopathic remedies might prevent seizures and epileptic attacks. Homeopathy may ease some of the symptoms and decrease the seriousness of epilepsy.
These remedies should not be used without the consult with your specialist and certainly shouldn’t be used instead of the prescribed medications.
Belladonna atropa is useful when patients experience nausea and vomiting along the epileptic attack.
Cicuta virosa can help people who feel tired and exhausted after the seizure. These patients have froth on the mouth, lose consciousness and experience breathing problems when seizing.
Cuprum metallic is also helpful for epileptic attacks which cause unconsciousness.
Hyoscyamus niger is recommended for severe epileptic attacks, when patients bite their tongue, jerk, twitch and froth.
Kali bromatum is one of the most frequently used remedies used for seizures and epilepsy. The use of kali may prevent future attacks and control the existing disorder. In some severe epileptic cases, kali might be used to prevent the attack.
Lachesis is the treatment for night epileptic attacks and narcolepsy.
Nux vomica is helpful when epileptic attack was provoked by indigestion. As a sign of upcoming seizures, these people might feel tingling.
Oenanthe crocata is recommended for the people whose epileptic attack happen suddenly and sometimes might even provoke unconsciousness. These patients could have foam on the mouth when seizing and their face turn swollen. Often, they feel cold jaw and arms during an epileptic attack.
Silicea is proven to help people who develop an epileptic attack after emotionally stressful events, or have nocturnal (night) epileptic attacks. Patients that should be treated with silicea frequently sweat and experience coldness before the epileptic attack.
Zincum metallicum can treat convulsions, trembling and visual problems and because of that is used in epileptic patients.
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