Hoarse Throat
The problem we are talking about is associated with the altered voice quality and it can sometimes prove to be very discomforting problem. It can sometimes be experienced in the morning, but this type of hoarseness is very brief and it goes away on its own. It is also accompanied by swallowing problems, harsh voice and breathy voice. We have mentioned the change of voice quality, which is a result of affected voice box. Many remedies are available for this problem that can be caused by a number of reasons.
Vocal box and vocal cord are areas that are affected and cause the hoarseness. The vocal box is a home for vocal folds that produce sounds. Their functioning is impaired when they became swollen, which causes the alteration of voice pitch and volume. The cause of hoarse throat can be minor, or it can be serious, from bacterial infection to cancer. Other minor causes include cold, exposure to irritants/smoke, cough and loud speaking. Another cause is the larynx inflammation, which is called laryngitis. This problem can be acute, caused by upper respiratory infection, or chronic, which lasts longer and which is more serious. Cancer can be formed due to the problem like excessive chewing of tobacco and smoking, which also cause hoarseness. The medical problem, during which the stomach reflux is sent back to the mouth, is called gastroesophageal reflux disease. This problem can lead to hoarseness. Puberty, postnasal drip, tonsillitis, bronchitis, and allergies can also produce throat hoarseness.
If the problem is created due to the cough or common cold, some simple remedies can eliminate it. The first to mention is salt water, which should be gargled twice a day. Make the salt water by mixing one cup of water and a half of a teaspoon of salt. It will give almost immediate relief by destroying germs. If the problem is a result of an upper respiratory problem, you can use steam which you need to inhale. You can do this by inhaling steam coming from the boiling water in which you have added eucalyptus oil. Remember to put a towel over your head during the inhalation. Hot fluids can bring relief sometimes. It is best to mix turmeric powder and milk and drink it. Sugar can ease the bitterness of this mix. You can also mix lemon extract and honey with warm water. Drinking some hot tea is also an option, but you can also use medications like analgesics, which come in the form of a spray. Before using them, talk to a specialist. Remember that hoarseness should not last more than a week, so if this happens, visit a doctor. Also, try to eliminate smoking, if this is the cause of throat hoarseness.
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