Laryngitis is the term used for the inflammation of the local box which is commonly known as larynx. This inflammation usually occurs as a result of some infections, irritations or overuse. Vocal cords that produce the sounds are located in the larynx. When laryngitis occurs, they are inflamed and because of that the sounds are distorted and the voice is hoarse. In some severe cases of laryngitis it is impossible even to hear the voice. Laryngitis can be acute and chronic. Acute laryngitis is usually caused by some viral infection, does not last long and is not very serious, while the chronic laryngitis is serious because it can lead to some serious complications, if it is not treated on time.
Usually a simple cold can be a cause for the appearance of laryngitis. There are several symptoms that warn us about laryngitis and they include hoarseness, weak voice, voice loss, sore throat, as well as dry throat and dry cough. These kinds of symptoms can be treated without medical help and with taking in lot of fluids in order to prevent dehydration. But if these symptoms prolong for more than three weeks, in that case it is advisable to visit a doctor because acute laryngitis becomeschronic. Acute laryngitis can be cured in several ways. It is advisable to inhale humidified and moist air, which successfully clears some secretions. Furthermore, avoiding speaking and whispering and smoking is also recommended. Moistening of throat, avoiding coffee and alcohol, and avoiding of decongestant, all of which dry out the throat, may also ease and alleviate the acute laryngitis.
In some cases, when laryngitis is caused by some bacterial infection, antibiotics can help in curing laryngitis effectively. Using antibiotics when laryngitis appears as a result of some viral infection is without any effect. When the chronic laryngitis is in question, it is recommended to always consult the doctor who will prescribe the proper and adequate medications. If laryngitis must be treated urgently because the healthy voice is needed for some activity, for example, for singing, delivering an important speech, or when a small child has laryngitis accompanied with croup, in these cases, treatment with corticosteroids and antihistamines is recommended. Corticosteroids and antihistamines are used to decrease the inflammation of vocal cords. Proton pump inhibitors are agents that are used in cases of severe esophagi is. These agents inhibit gastric acid secretions. The most frequently used proton pump inhibitors are omeprazole, esomeprazole magnesium, and lansoprazole.
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