Herpes on tongue
Herpes is a viral disease that is caused by herpessimplex virus. There are two types of this virus, herpes simplex virus type 1and herpes simplex virus type 2. In the majority of cases, oral herpes isinduced by herpes simplex virus type 1, while, on the other side, genitalherpes is caused by herpes simplex virus type 2. However, there are also cases,although fewer, in which it is vice-versa. The areas where the oral herpes may occur are lips,tongue, the inside of the mouth and gums, as well as nose and chin. When herpes appears on tongue, it is marked by verypainful sores that usually occur on tongue and on the area that surrounds thetongue. Herpes on tongue is also called oral ulcers or mouthsores, and it may appear in every person. This condition is contagious andshould be treated immediately. Many people tend to misdiagnose it with canker soresthat are, on the other side, not contagious and can be easily treated.
Symptoms of herpes on tongue
Since this condition is very infectious, it can bespread in numerous and various ways, for instance, by using spoon or fork thatwas previously used by an infected person. Moreover, a person can get it byusing the same handkerchief or towel as the infected person. Herpes on tonguesymptoms usually appear after three weeks from the exposure to the virus and the most common areskin lesions or rash with yellow fluid that appear on tongue, or on the areaaround the tongue. The skin lesions usually stay for about ten days and disappearafter a proper treatment. Mouth ulcers are in the form of blisters or coldsores, and after some time they burst and dry up.
Herpes on tongue may be mild or severe and thesymptoms of this condition depend of the severity of the infection. The personwith herpes on his/her tongue may have just mild tingling sores or reddish andpainful blisters. Moreover, the flu accompanied with chills, fever and headachesoccurs in the majority of cases. It is recommended to immediately start treating of theherpes on tongue. Since, it is contagious and infectious, the infection tends tospread toward the eyes and can cause certain complications to the eyes and damage them.
Treatment of herpes on tongue
Most doctors prescribe anti-viral drugs to cureherpes on tongue. The most effective medicines for this condition are Acyclovirand Flamciclovir. Of herbs, many Herbalists recommend Prunella vulgaris andtea-tree oil.
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