One of the most crucial and vital parts of the human body is respiratory system. You can thank this system for the every breath you take. Oxygen is needed in the bloodstream and this happens thanks to the respiratory system. If the oxygen is not supplied to the blood, the body will not be able to function, or it will be greatly impaired. If the blood is not supplied in the proper way, death of the body cells occurs in minutes. Some of the most common problems with respiratory system include common cold, running nose, sinusitis, coughs, allergic rhinitis, sore throats and sneezing, and almost every person on the planet has come in contact with one of them.
There are many herbs that can help if you are suffering from a respiratory problem, but we have to say that they will treat the whole problem only when used together. Each has its own effect and their effects combined will bring the wanted effect. For the respiratory problems, you can use extract of lobelia and mullein. They are the two most important remedies available. Mullein can be used for treating the inflammation, because it will sooth the body and help the lungs to relax, so they can absorb even more oxygen. Musculature lining can be relaxed due to the use of lobeia extract, because it is an antispasmodic agent that will also preserve healthy lungs.
Along with the treatment of sinus infection and migraine headaches, thyme and fenugreek can be used for treating respiratory problems. They can also transport mucus to the nasal cavity from the sinus region. You can use a mix of a Indian herb called jeeshta madhu and honey, for clearing the respiratory canal. Sinusitis can be treated with calendula, eucalyptus, pepper and tei fu oils, while ginger can be used for its anti-spasmodic properties. Infection and problems in the chest region can be eased with the use of hyssop, elecampane, cherry bark, liquorice, mullein and black horsehound, all of which have an amazing effect on the respiratory problems and conditions. Asthma can be treated with black cumin, lungs inflammation by the use of chickweed, while hyssop reduces the bronchial secretion. Congestion and chest infections can be treated with violts. Lung infection and coughs are problems that can be eliminated with the use of a very rare herb called coltsfoot. This rare herb can be used for protecting the tracheal tube and the lungs inner linings.
Try some of the mentioned herbs if you are having respiratory problems. They will help in many ways, such as increasing the secretion of the lung tissue and help the mucus membranes.
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