Herbs beneficial to lungs and respiratory system all have different effects on us.
Lungs and Respiratory System
Lungs are respiratory organ that transports oxygen into the body and releases carbon dioxide from the body. To bring pure oxygen, lungs have to remove smoke, dust and other particles. By coughing we eliminate excess pollutants that reached lungs. Mucous on lungs catches pollutants which are then eliminated together with mucous. In case we swallow mucous, our digestive system removes it from the body. When mucous is too thick or sticky it may be due too allergies, asthma. In case of dry cough there is no phlegm produced. These conditions may lead to bronchitis that herbalist treat with group of lung herbs known as muscilages. When too much phlegm is present, infections may occur. This is treated with warming expectorants such as, garlic, ginger and cinnamon. These herbs encourage elimination of phlegm.
Herbs for LungsMullein
Mullein is used to treat respiratory diseases. Mullein leaves loosen congestion and help clear the lungs. Mullein relaxes bronchial passage muscles and improves consistency of mucous. This herb is used for treating bronchitis, colds, tuberculosis, pleurisy, persistent, and whooping cough (pertussis).
Angelica is expectorant and warming remedy. It prompts cough and removal of phlegm. It is beneficial to weakened lungs and excellent remedy for various infections.
Ginger aids in elimination of excess mucous. It is used for treating bronchitis and for prevention of cold. Ginger is beneficial to digestive system as well. It promotes circulation and help with nausea.
Garlic boosts immune system. It is beneficial to respiratory and digestive system. It aids in elimination of mucous and is commonly used for bronchial infections such as tuberculosis. Garlic is used for relieving symptoms of cold. It can be taken as capsule or can be eaten fresh. It is also utilized for treating tonsillitis and throat infections. Antibacterial and antimicrobial remedy can be prepared from fresh garlic soaked in tea made from honey and lemon juice.
Cinnamon is good for prevention of chesty colds and chest infections. You can prepare a tea from powdered cinnamon and ginger. It is recommended to restrict cinnamon use in pregnancy. Cinnamon is beneficial to digestive system as well.
Elecampane induces coughing and elimination of mucous. It is excellent for chronic bronchitis and for nervous coughing. It also tones digestive system.
Coltsfoot is an expectorant used for treating dry cough.
Thyme is a herb with antiseptic quality. It clears up bronchial passages. Thyme is used for treating asthma and dry cough. Thyme intake should be limited during pregnancy.
Wild Cherry Bark
Wild cherry bark is great for suppressing and treating persistent cough.
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