One of the most wonderful and most neglected abilities of human beings is the ability to see.
Myopia is a problem that causes a disability to see clearly, or at all, objects that are distant. A person dealing with myopia is able to see clearly objects that are close, but needs glasses in order to see distant objects well.
Myopic degeneration is believed to be a hereditary disease. In some cases, it can appear at birth, but in most cases, it seems to develop at the preteen age. The assumption is that this is the seventh leading cause of legal blindness.
Myopic degeneration is a form of myopia that is worse than other forms. It is related to changes of the retina, which can cause a possible loss of vision. Myopic degeneration progresses rapidly. Prognosis for the ability to see depends on lenticular and fundus changes. Particular horioretinal degeneration follows this diagnosis. Changes in eye muscles and retinal detachment are an extra risk with pathologic myopes, especially if there are reflective errors that are higher.
Some symptoms that are most often associated with myopic degeneration are sensitivity to light, headaches and decreased vision. In case of retinal degeneration or detachment, a person could notice flashes of light and floaters in connection to the retinal changes. Increased incandescence of the cataracts has been noticed in cases of degenerative myopia.
Degenerative myopia is often represented by the following features: vitreous liquefaction and posterior vitreous detachment, which appear as rings and shapes on the optic disc, peripheral retina with lattice degeneration, optic disc tilting in connection to myopic conus, epithelium of the retinal pigment, which results in atrophic fundus appearance, and posterior staphyloma, breaking in the Bruch\'s membrane, and choriocapillaris, which results in lacquer cracks on the fundus..
Regular medical care and Vitamin A rich diet are recommended, as well as simple eye exercises. There are also several natural and herbal remedies which may help to repair or, perhaps regain good eyesight.
A diet rich with Citamin A is an imperative. Good sources of Vitamin A are carrots, tomatoes and fruits like mango.
Triphala is an Ayurveda remedy and can be used as an eye tonic and improve the digestive system. It consists of three fruits: bibhitaki, amla and haritaki.
Indian gooseberry is also called amla. It should be taken with honey.
Pimpinella anisum or aniseed should be used in form of dry powder.
Eyebright is a European wild plant. Its name shows that it has been a traditional remedy for eye irritation. It contains tannins, which are assumed to calm inflammation.
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