Fractures may occur to any bone in the human body includingthe ribs and the vertebrae. Simple fractures do not affect the skin area of thefracture while the compound fractures cause the skin above them to break open.Open wounds can lead to infections and significant blood loss and that is themain reason why compound fractures are commonly considered more serious thansimple fractures that do not cause any open wounds.
Signs and Symptoms
Fractures can easily be recognized by the deformation andimmobility of the affected area and extreme pain due to the injury. A fracturemay also result in bruising and swelling of the injured area. Rib fracture iscommonly characterized by intense pain and difficult breathing and coughing. Inmost cases of simple fractures the only way to confirm them is to take an X-rayof the injured areas. An injured person must seek immediate medical attentionin order to set the bones properly before the healing process begins.
Fractures are usually caused by an injury, a trafficaccident or a fall. Fractures can also be related to diseases such asosteoporosis in case of which the fracture may be caused even by a mildphysical injury. Human bones may become brittle or delicate if a person eats adiet which is insufficient in certain types of minerals, proteins and numerousother precious nutrients and that impairs their ability to withstand physicalinjuries. Digestive problems and hormonal imbalances may trigger certainconditions that lead to osteoporosis and weakening of the bones.
Herbal Remedies and Supplements
The human body requires calcium, magnesium, silica and numerousother minerals and proteins in order to prevent the bones from fractures andrecover and heal them faster. Silica can be purchased as a gel or in capsulesand it is an essential mineral. Balanced levels of vitamin D and vitamin C arerequired for the normal absorption of calcium which is another very important essential mineral. Every diet should include abundant levels of vitamin Cbecause it is very beneficial for the overall health of the bones. The same canbe said for green food supplements because they are an excellent source ofchlorophyll component and essential minerals. All the aforementioned remedieshelp in reducing the swelling caused by fractures. A horsetail bath is alsovery efficient in reducing the swelling of the injured areas. Goldenrod orsorrel can also be applied topically on the swollen area. Vitamin D isessential for the overall health of the bones and it can be obtained bymoderate exposure to sunlight.
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