Once woman gets pregnant, she needs to look after herself, more than usual. And advices for pregnant women are everywhere, but the best advice would probably be given by doctor. Every mother needs to look out for the best way to keep her baby and herself on a safe side.
Health Care
Regular prenatal care is the way to preserve health during the pregnancy. Once woman finds out about her pregnancy, visiting doctor is the very next thing to do. The physical examination will tell the exact month of pregnancy and ultrasound will tell about the date of delivery. Pregnant woman needs to visit doctor ‘till 28th week-every 4 weeks, then ’till 36 weeks-every 2 weeks and once in week until woman gives birth.
Doctor needs to check weight, blood pressure, as well as the development and growth of the baby on a regular basis. Doctor also checks abdomen, fetal heartbeat, and belly size of a woman. During the pregnancy, it is important to do prenatal tests, urine test, blood test, cervical tests and occasionally, the ultrasound.
Doctor Choice
There are always good doctors to choose out there. Gynecologists or obstetricians; specialize in childbirth and pregnancy, family doctors; his service provide other medical help as well as the obstetrical care and nurse or midwives who also certified for health care and simple pregnancy. But in case that woman has nurse that is certified for a pregnancy aid and if any other complications arises or there is a need for a child delivery cesarean section, doctor needs to be present no matter.
Nutrition of the Baby
During the pregnancy all diets should stop. Pregnant woman needs about 300 extra calories per day, at first stage and later on even more, depending of the weight of woman in general. The calories intake needs nutritious foods as well; a good nutrition plan serves to baby’s development. Woman needs vegetables, fruits, low-fat milk products, a grain breads and lean meats. And beside balanced diet, woman needs extra nutrients like iron, calcium and folic acid. Doctor also gives prenatal vitamins, necessary for the baby development. Vitamins are the supplements to a food and alone are not enough for the good balanced food intake.
• Iron: Pregnant woman needs at least 30 mg of iron per day. Iron produces hemoglobin, and hemoglobin carries oxygen, an important component of a red blood cells. Iron is very important for the baby and mother as well. Taking iron means eating salmon, dried beans and peas, red meat, eggs, dried fruits, dark poultry, iron-full breakfast cereals, dark leafy green vegetables and rich grains.
• Calcium: Calcium intake needs to be at least 1,000 mg per day. Prenatal vitamins are having extra calcium. Baby draws calcium from mother’s bone so the mother needs to take calcium in order to make out calcium loss from her own bones. Calcium can be found in almonds, tofu, dried beans, low fat milk, cheese or yogurt, soy milk, orange juice, cereals, dark vegetables like broccoli, spinach or kale.
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