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Health benefits of eating fish

One of the best foods there is, especially when having in mind the health of our heart, is definitely fish. Fish itself holds numerous health benefits and the potential to rejuvenate our heart by providing it with protective vitamins and minerals as well. Another very important fact is that fish is rich in omega-3 fats, which are known to have numerous heart related benefits such as artery cleansing and blood pressure decreasing. But there is one thing to have in mind, and that is that not all fish has in it exactly the same quantities of afore mentioned essential acids, and that some of them can even prove to be a health hazard.

Sardines and Herring

Even though, they are extremely health beneficial, very few people are actually really fond of them. What, perhaps, many do not know is that this tiny fish abound in omega-3 fats, and in comparison to other, they have the greatest quantities of them. What is another upside is that just about any form of the two gives more than satisfying quantities of omega-3 fats. Three ounces of hearing meat provide 1.3-2 g of omega-3, and the same amount of sardines 0.8 g.


This fish falls into the group of those sturdy and extremely tasty fishes, which are more than beneficial to our heart. Just three ounces of cooked mackerel meat, no matter which specie is in question, have in it 1.1-1.7 omega-3. The only exception is the king mackerel, which gives just 0.4 g of omega-3.


Everything that has to do with salmon is “mega” in nature. Eating this fish means that, with every bite you take, your heart gets closer to heart-heaven. No matter how you prepare it, whether it is baked, poached, grilled, cold, hot, as an add on in a salad, it just never loses its taste and nutritional riches. When it comes to the omega-3 quantities, one is surely to get no less than 0.9-1.8 omegas from only 3 ounces of salmon meat. Those which originate from a farm are the ones most rich in fat and thus contain by far the greatest quantities of mega-3. Despite this, the salmon caught in wilderness is not to be disregarded by any means.


It is most often the case that those who find fishing to be one of their favourite pass times and hobbies are most fond of the trout. Its secrets lie in its savory and delicate flesh. One trout serving, 3 ounces in size, is surely to provide you with no less than 0.8-1.0 omega-3 fats, which puts it at the top of the most beneficial fish for sure.

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