Many people do not have an idea what a normal bowel movement is, and this could be a text for them. One of the answers we can give you is that the proper definition is not yet known and it cannot be made, since the every man is a different story. Because of this, there are even many types of normal bowel movement. But it it’s very important to realize and know signs of abnormal bowel movement. This is much more important, because if you do not notice signs of abnormal bowel movement, chances are you have normal bowel movement. Remember that, if the signs do appear, visit to the doctor is needed.
Normal bowel movement
One of the oldest and wrong beliefs is that a person should have one movement during one day, and this means your bowel movement is normal. But this is not true. Some patients can have several movements during one day, or even have a few during whole week. There is no general rule for this. However, be careful if you have less then three movements during one week. This may suggest constipation, while diarrhea can be recognized by three stools during the day, which are watery. When we talk about the color and shape, the normal stool looks a lot like peanut butter. It is golden brown or brown. Although the passing should not be a problem, some people can have problems with hard stool, but generally the stool should be soft and it should pass easily.
People haveconstipation very frequently. This is one of themost accounted problems at the doctor's office in America. If you are having painful, hard, lumpy, and discomforting and fry stool, you probably have constipation. This problem can occur because of lack of dietary fiber and exercises, and because of chronic dehydration. It is important to take a lot of fluid in order to avoid constipation, and to include fiber in your diet, as well as at least 30 minutes of workout.
Diarrhea is another possible problem. We have mentioned what problems are caused by diarrhea. But the causes for diarrhea can also be medication's side effects, infection and problems caused by food. Problem is usually gone after 2 days, but sometimes it may remain for more than three days. If this happens, problems like acute pain, fever and dehydration are experienced while the stool is tarry, bloody and black. Visit to the doctor is needed in these cases.
Some possible changes in the bowel movement, considered abnormal, are possible. Those are change in shape, frequency, consistency and color. If a person has bloody stool, visit to the doctor is needed. Range of problems may cause bloody stool. Black stool can suggest inner bleeding or is just an effect of some food. Red stool will always have to be checked by a professional, since it can suggest benign or very serious conditions. Pale stool suggests nutrition lacking bile salt, while green suggests use of iron supplements and artificially colored food.
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