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Water is supposed to be good for people. It is necessary for good health, it provides moist to the skin and hair, making them look nicer and healthier, and it cleans the body. However, when it comes to hair, water is not necessarily its best friend. It in fact amplifies any possible problem the hair may already be suffering from. If it contains chlorine, like in the swimming pools, it can cause significant damage to the hair. Chlorine in the water makes blond hair turn green, it makes the hair appear dull, dry, and brittle.

Blond hair turning green

It is not a myth- frequent visits to swimming pools with chlorinated water can make blond hair turn green. It happens to people who are naturally blond and to those who dye their hair as well. it also affects young children, who in childhood have lighter hair that later turns light brown or even dark brown. Green shades of hair look very unappealing and in some cases it needs to be cut off, which, as a solution, is very drastic.

This happens because of high concentration of copper in the water. When copper comes in contact with chlorine, the two interact and produce a compound that attaches easily to the outer layers of human hair. In some cases, high concentration of copper in tap water can cause green hair even without chlorine.

Those who are not fond of drastic measures, like cutting the affected hair off, may want to try vegetable oil or peroxide on their blond hair turned green. Those blondes who take regular trips to swimming pools may consider wearing a swim cap.

Dull and dry hair

Many people have noticed how dull their skin looks after swimming in a pool with chlorinated water. This is because the chlorine destroys protective oil coating of the hair that makes it shiny.

In addition, the hair has an outer layer that looks like scales. This layer serves to protects the hair. Chlorine has an ability to penetrate that layer and to get stuck between the scales. As a result, the scales shift and stick out, giving the hair a rough appearance.

Weak and brittle hair

Hair is much weaker when it is wet than when it is dry. This is why wet hair should be handled with care, otherwise it breaks easily.

Another problem with chlorine and hair is that chlorine salts penetrate the hair fibers. When they get inside, they become bigger and change the structure of the hair, making it weaker and more prone to breaking. Taking a shower or washing the hair after a trip to the swimming pool helps remove chlorine from the surface of the hair, but not from the fibers. For that it is required to soak the hair for ten minutes in clean, non-chlorinated water.

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