All kids catch a flu or mystery virus that makes them feel under the weather sometimes. Is your child having a day where he's not feeling well enough for school? Hanging out on the couch may be the best medicine for such times. But there are still things you can do together that will brighten the day and make your child feel better.

1. Reading books to sick kids has got to be the all-time favorite! Snuggle together with your child on the couch and read his or her most cherished books. Make sure you have a hot coco or a nice herbal tea to accompany the books. And a blanket you can both fit under, of course!
2. Creating a pillow and blanket fort and pretend to be knights! Younger children who are sickly, but not very ill, can really enjoy this type of bonding activity. Throw pillows around and be silly. You'll still have to watch out for hyperactivity and overheating, if your child has a fever.
3. Watching a good film while enjoying a nice soup, some fruit, or another light meal that appeals to your sick child is another fine way to spend some of the day. Do you have any memories of your mom cooking you nice foods, and serving you, while you were ill? These seemingly small and unpleasant events may grow to be among the most fond memories your child has.
4. Passive enjoyment is what makes sick kids feel better, but lots of kids are also up for board games like ludo, memory, trivial persuit or monopoly. They can simply stay on the couch with their blanket if you have a nice coffee table that can be pulled over there.
5. Call grandma and grandad, an aunt, or a special friend that your child loves to see. The visitor can even bring some grapes and magazines for your kid to look at, or a "get better soon" card.
- Photo courtesy of National Cancer Institute (NCI) by Wikimedia Commons:
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